
Gerrards Cross Golf Club


Thursday 22nd May
Gerrards Cross, Tee - Red
H'cap Allowance: 85%

Betterball Stableford - 85% of Course handicap
2 tee start from 9.00am
Handicap index limit 30 (handicaps up to 36 may enter but must play of 30), players must be a member of a recognised golf club and have a Lifetime ID.
Closing date: 30th April 2025 - or earlier if oversubscribed
Entries accepted on a first come first served basis. No refunds after the closing date (unless we can fill your place from the waiting list) but substitutions will be accepted
Competition limited to 52 pairs
Entry Fee: £110 per pair
(includes coffee and homemade shortbread on arrival, refreshments at half way, 2 course rolling lunch and prizes).
Entries can be made online via the club website from 28th January 2025.
Queries to be sent to Adam Grint -

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £110.00 Per Team - Members (Required On Entry)
Open To: Ladies
Current Entries: 102
Max Entries: 104

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